Nor is it just the film; these throwback readers were out there in droves long before the movie campaign opened. 这也不仅是因为电影。在《哈里·波特》电影开始宣传之前很久就已经有了成群结队的返老还童的读者。
An outstanding film is the one that can bring food for thought to readers in addition to amusement. 一部杰出的电影是除了能给读者带来娱乐还能带来更深思考的作品。
Ultimately, that's what film criticism is about-fashioning an ongoing dialogue among critics and their readers. 最终,这种评论性的文章就形成一种影评人与读者之间的对话。
If research film were streamed via online channels it would allow rapid feedback on research findings. It would also reach a much wider audience, compared with the current handful of readers of academic journals. 如果研究短片通过在线频道使用流媒体播放,人们就能对学术发现提供快速反馈。相对于目前数量寥寥的学术杂志读者,它也会触及更广泛的受众。
, a film based on his novel of the same name, and many of his other novels translated into Chinese are warmly received by Chinese viewers and readers. 在中国,根据他的同名小说改编的电影《砂器》和众多的中译小说,都深受观众和读者的欢迎。
In the transition process, with the oppression given by visual culture to the traditional literature, part from writers turn to film, television and other kinds of visual forms, and get a lot of readers for themselves. 在转型的过程中,视觉文化对传统文学的压迫,导致一部分作家改头换面借助小说和电影、电视等视觉形式的联姻为自己获得了应声云集。
In view of this, this article will give a detailed presentation about the contents related on liquid mulching film to the public readers in the form of knowledge quiz. 鉴于此,本文就该地膜的相关内容,以知识问答的形式向广大读者进行详细的介绍。
Since O 'Hara likes to incorporate techniques of different kinds of arts such as music, film and painting, etc. into his poetry, his poems often strike readers as elusive and difficult. 由于奥哈拉喜欢将音乐、电影与绘画等不同门类的艺术技法融入到诗歌当中,他的诗常常给读者以晦涩难懂的印象。
At last, the fourth chapter introduces the production process, key technologies and some film equipments of digital movies through procedures of production, screening and watching which enables readers to understand the digital 3D movies more rational. 最后,文章第四章从数字电影制作环节、放映和观看环节来介绍制作流程,关键技术,和一些电影设备使读者对数字3D立体电影有更理性认知。